The Sexual Assault Forensic Exam

You may or may not have heard of the rape kit, or more formally called the sexual assault forensic exam. This medical exam is preformed to collect any DNA evidence that can help with the case against the perpetrator. It is something that you may choose to take, and can be taken without reporting to police. You may choose to report the incident after you take the exam if you have not done so already, however mandatory reporting may be conducted if you are a minor in some states.

Where to Go

You can contact your local medical center to see if they preform sexual assault forensic exams, contact the local police department, or ask an officer that you are in contact with if you have reported a sexual assault incident. Here you can find more resources to help with your specific needs online and locally, including finding a facility that administers the exam.

When to Take the Exam

If you have decided to take the exam, you should do so as soon as possible. In most cases, DNA evidence needs to be collected within 72 hours of the incident in order to be analyzed by a crime lab.

How to Prepare

If possible, try to avoid or limit activities that may damage evidence such as using the restroom, bathing/showering, eating/drinking, changing your clothes, and combing your hair. If you need to change, keep all of your clothes from the incident in a clean bag and bring it to the examination.

What to Expect

You can control over the exam and you may stop at anytime. You may always wish to skip certain steps or pause the exam if necessary. Bellow are general steps that may be taken during the exam: